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Georgia Society of Health-System


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  • 25 Apr 2021 7:33 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    As National Volunteer Week 2021 comes to an end, we thank our members who continue to give of their time and talents any time they are called into service.  We want to acknowledge you and thank you for your service. 

    As stated in President Biden’s proclamation, “The tremendous power of volunteers and volunteerism has been on dramatic display in our response to the COVID-19 pandemic”.  GSHP members have been at the fore front of many challenging responses in our communities and hospitals from natural disasters to pandemics to service of GSHP.

    As National Volunteer Week ends, we acknowledge our fellow volunteers, and know you are the backbone of the GSHP.

    Thank you for your service,

  • 21 Apr 2021 11:46 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    If you are planning to attend the GSHP Summer Meeting at Amelia Island in just a few weeks, then perhaps you'd like to be a panelist for the Pharmacy Student Forum on Saturday, July 10, 2021 from 12pm- 2pm. Lunch is provided!

    Come as you are; no preparation needed, just bring your experience. 

    In years past, the students have found this forum to be very eye-opening and rewarding.  GSHP would like to panel pharmacists from all aspects of pharmacy to answer questions from students and residents about why you chose your present job in pharmacy.

    To volunteer, please complete this link by Friday, June 11:

    Information on the Summer meeting

  • 22 Mar 2021 3:16 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    Call for Award and Fellowship Nominations 2021

    The Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists annually recognizes members for outstanding service and achievements in pharmacy. Very likely, you know someone in GSHP who is deserving of recognition. Every member of GSHP is eligible to nominate or be nominated for one or more awards. Please complete the nominations form located in the link below to nominate yourself or someone you know for the awards listed below. 

    Awards will be presented during the GSHP Summer Meeting to be held at the Omni Amelia Island Resort in Amelia Island, FL on Friday, July 9, 2021. Deadline for nominations is June 1, 2021.  

    Pharmacist of the Year Award

    GSHP Pharmacist of the Year Award is the highest honor GSHP can bestow on any member and is presented to a Georgia health-system pharmacist to honor outstanding service and accomplishments in health-system pharmacy practice as well as participation in GSHP. All GSHP members are eligible for nomination. Nominations should include detailed information concerning the nominee's professional, civic, and other activities. Recipients of the GSHP Pharmacist of the Year Award serve on the Awards Committee for five years following receipt of the award. All award recipients must be current GSHP members.

    25-Year Practitioner Award

    25-Year Practitioner Awards are presented to GSHP members who have actively practiced hospital or health-system pharmacy for 25 years or more. Members are encouraged to nominate peers. Also, they may also nominate themselves for this award unless they are a previous recipient.
    Outstanding Practitioner Award
    The Outstanding Practitioner Award is presented to a pharmacist functioning in a patient care, non-administrative position.  The award recognizes outstanding service to the profession, patients and their individual health system.  Nominees should be greater than 5 years into their pharmacy career. 
    Outstanding Preceptor Award
    The Outstanding Preceptor Award is presented to a pharmacist serving as a preceptor for pharmacy students and/or pharmacy residents. The award recognizes outstanding service to the future of our profession.
    Outstanding Pharmacy Professional Representative Award
    The Outstanding Pharmacy Professional Representative Award is presented to a representative of a pharmaceutical manufacturer or wholesaler who has made outstanding contributions to health-system pharmacy through service to, participation in, and involvement with GSHP and those practicing as health-system pharmacists.
    Outstanding Pharmacy Technician Award
    The Outstanding Pharmacy Technician Award recognizes a health-system pharmacy technician who has demonstrated practice excellence and leadership in the support of implementing pharmaceutical care.
    Outstanding Community Volunteer Service Award
    The Outstanding Community Volunteer Service Award is presented to a GSHP member who has demonstrated significant contributions to their local community.  Volunteer service is not limited to medical services but is inclusive of any volunteer activities (outside normal job duties) that enhance or improve the quality of life of the local community.
    Outstanding Pharmacy Student Award
    The Outstanding Pharmacy Student Award recognizes excellence in our future pharmacists. Nominations may be submitted by preceptors, educators, or any other GSHP member who has had direct contact with a student who has shown exemplary service.
    Outstanding New Practitioner Award
    Nominees for the Outstanding New Practitioner Award are not limited by age, but by the length of time in the profession. Nominees should have graduated from a pharmacy school within the past five years. The recipient is chosen based on exemplary service and dedication to the field of health-system pharmacy in this time period.
    Outstanding Pharmaceutical Publication Award
    The award for Outstanding Pharmaceutical Publication is presented based on publication by GSHP members in the pharmaceutical literature.  Publications are not limited by topic and can include identification of new pharmacy services, enhancements in pharmaceutical care or economic analysis and is based on a review of pharmacy journals and other publications for the 12-month period beginning May 2020 through May 2021.
    Outstanding Pharmacy Mentor Award
    The Outstanding Pharmacy Mentor Award is designed to recognize a GSHP member who has served as a mentor in the GSHP mentorship program. The award recognizes outstanding service to a mentee and the future of our profession.

    Fellowship of the Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists (FGSHP)
    Fellowhip in the Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists (GSHP) recognizes members who have demonstrated excellence in the practice of health-system pharmacy. Fellowship is awarded to acknowledge members who have made significant and sustained contributions to GSHP and the profession. Fellowship status is a lifelong designation for the individual as long as they are an active member of GSHP.  See application information here

    To nominate for an award:

    To nominate for Fellowship in GSHP (FGSHP):

  • 03 Mar 2021 10:52 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    The Committee on Nominations-2021 is pursuing members who wish to get or stay active and involved in GSHP. These candidates should exhibit qualities of leadership, vision and professional awareness that will sustain the enterprising and pioneering spirit that has characterized GSHP. 

    WHO: Any pharmacist member of GSHP. 

    WHAT: Submit your name or another GSHP member's name to the Committee on Nominations for consideration as a candidate for the following offices: 



    District Directors-elect for: 

    Chattahoochee (Columbus, LaGrange area)

    NE Georgia (Athens, Gainesville area)

    Southeast Georgia (Savannah, Statesboro, Brunswick area)


    President Elect: The President-elect serves as a member of the Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Board of Directors and as a non-voting ex-officio member of all standing committees and ad hoc bodies of the GSHP Board. Perform the duties of the President in the President's absence. Monitor progress of committees and individuals in addressing issues identified and charges assigned from the planning retreats. Succeeds to the offices of President and Chairman of the Board. Your term of office would be from August 2021 to August 2022 as President-elect; August 2022 to August 2023 as President and August 2023 to August 2024 as Chair of the Board. 

    SecretaryThe Secretary shall keep and maintain an accurate record of the meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Membership of the Corporation and such other GSHP activities as the Board of Directors may direct.  The Secretary shall give all notices required by law and shall have authority to affix the corporate seal to any requiring it and attest thereto by his/her signature.  The term of office is from August 2021 to August 2024

    District Directors: In addition to representing membership from the local district as a voting member of the Board, the District Directors serve as membership liaison and coordinate local education programming for GSHP. You would serve as district director elect from August 2021 to August 2022, and District Director from August 2022 to August 2024. 

    WHERE: Submit names for consideration to: The Committee Nominations - 2021, c/o  Steve Glass ( ) 

    When: Before March 31, 2021

    WHY: The future of our profession needs the participation and contribution of its leaders.


  • 16 Feb 2021 2:12 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    This is your opportunity to share your results with pharmacy colleagues from around Georgia at the 2021 GSHP Spring Poster Session (Virtual) on Tuesday, April 27, 2021. Posters highlighting innovative services, evaluations, and pharmacy practice model change initiatives are especially encouraged. Encore presentations from national meetings (ASHP, ACCP, etc.) are accepted. Presenting a peer-reviewed poster is an ideal professional development activity for preceptors, both seasoned and new practitioners, residents and students. The primary (first) poster presenter must be a GSHP member and results must be included on abstract to be accepted. Research-in-progress abstracts with background and methods only will not be accepted.  Pharmacy students and residents are especially encouraged to participate. Due to the virtual nature of this event, we will only be accepting submissions from students and residents in 2021.

    The GSHP Education Committee will be evaluating ALL abstracts submitted for recognition and designation as "Outstanding GSHP Poster". The top 5 student and top 5 resident submissions will be asked to present at the live poster session. There will be two categories recognized: 1) Best Pharmacy Student Poster; 2) Best Pharmacy Resident Poster; based on the credentials of the primary (first) author. One student and one resident poster will each win an award based on the highest combined abstract and poster scores. Winners will each receive a plaque and a cash prize.

    The deadline for submission of abstracts is at 5pm on Friday, March 26, 2021. Submit your poster abstract using the following link: For questions, contact Meredith Lopez, GSHP Poster Session Coordinator, at

    Each abstract submission must be submitted using the above link and contain the following:

    • Author information (include full name, professional credentials and institutional affiliation (i.e., health care organization or college name), and email address for corresponding author/presenter)
    • Brief descriptive title (use title case)
    • Abstract body
      • Purpose (max 100 words)
      • Methods (max 225 words)
      • Results (max 200 words)
      • Conclusions (max 100 words)
    • Do not include tables, graphs, or illustrations in abstract.  Spell out all pharmaceutical acronyms.
    • Specify a submission type (student vs resident), which should be based on primary author’s credentials
    • Specify a primary submission category

  • 04 Feb 2021 11:19 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    Dear GSHP Members,

    The GSHP Board of Directors met virtually on Thursday, January 21st to discuss and carefully consider options for the Spring Meeting scheduled for March 26-28, 2021 in Savannah, Georgia.  In light of on-going and consistent recommendations to limit large gatherings from the Centers for Disease Control and other public health officials, as well as travel restrictions imposed at many of our institutions, the Board decided to refrain from attempting an in-person event at this time.  We will continue to evaluate the ever-changing environment and will plan to resume live meetings when possible.

    We are pleased to announce that we will be offering a Spring education mini-series centered on the Covid-19 vaccine to include vaccine information, panel discussions, and focus on vaccine hesitancy.  In addition, we will continue to provide free CE webinars, networking calls, and other virtual activities to support our membership as well as our vendor sponsors.  I would like to thank our innovative and amazing education committee, under the leadership of Lindsay Schaack Rothstein and Brittany Wheeler, for their continued efforts to provide valuable programming.   The commitment and dedication of the GSHP membership is a constant source of inspiration as we continue to find new ways to learn, new ways to grow, and new ways to come together in this difficult and challenging time.

    Thank you for your support.  Be safe and stay well.

    Susan Jackson

    GSHP President 2020-2021

  • 29 Jan 2021 3:02 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    Trisha Branan, Susan Jackson and Christy Norman has been elected to serve as Georgia delegates to the ASHP House of Delegates.  Davey Legendre has been elected alternate delegate.

    Their terms runs until 12/31/2021

  • 20 Jan 2021 2:30 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    A letter sent by ASHP and joined by GSHP, 50 health systems & provider organizations told the incoming administration that deployment of federal resources is critical to meet the goal of vaccinating 100 million people during his first 100 days in office. 

  • 20 Jan 2021 2:27 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    The most recent change in the Governor’s Executive Order Empowering a Healthy Georgia in Response to COVID-19 suspended the pharmacist intern supervising ratio requirements for COVID vaccination efforts.  Please see highlighted section in the link below.  

Address: 3015 Shannon Lakes North | Suite 303 | Tallahassee, FL 32309 
Phone: 850-728-4474
GSHP is a state affiliate of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

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