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Georgia Society of Health-System


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Summer Meeting 2024

July 12-14, 2024 Omni Amelia Island

The GSHP Summer Meeting is July 12-14, 2024 at the beautiful Omni Amelia Island Resort in Amelia Island, FL.  The meeting consists of 13 hours of continuing education, a large exhibit program, reverse expo and student programming.

Comments from previous meeting

GSHP has a superior program! Well worth traveling to attend. Have attended state meetings elsewhere, and Georgia rocks! Very relevant & applicable information, excellent speakers & fun, too.

I thought the meeting was fantastic...the right mix of learning and fun!

Great facility, friendly GSHP facilitators, wonderful learning and collaborative environment

Beautiful location, very good content, will attend again next year

Omni Safe and Clean Program


GSHP Summer Meeting Agenda

as of 4/23/2024

Program Key

General Session

Special Events





Date and Time 

Credit Hrs.



Thursday, July 11, 2024






GSHP Board of Directors Meeting

Friday, July 12, 2024






Registration and Breakfast




RSV Vaccines: From Diapers to Depends, We've Got You Covered!


1.  Discuss significant of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) on health system

2.   Describe patient populations indicated for RSV vaccines and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)

3.   Summarize current guideline recommendations and literature supporting RSV immunization and prophylaxis

4.  Examine challenges surrounding access to RSV vaccines and mAbs

Aubrey Slaughter, PharmD, BCPPS

Pediatric Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacist

Wellstar MCG Health

Hanna Azimi, PharmD

Ambulatory Population Health Pharmacist

Wellstar MCG Health



Connecting the Dots: How Preceptors Can Cultivate Reasoning Skills 


1. Discuss current influences of PharmD curricula on clinical reasoning and precepting

2. Explain differences in reasoning skills of experts and novices

3. Describe components of expert decision making

4. Identify precepting activities to cultivate expert reasoning skills

Anthony Hawkins, PharmD, FCCM

Clinical Associate Professor

ICU Attending Pharmacist

UGA College of Pharmacy

Medical College of Georgia at AU




10:15-11:15 am


Persistent Drug Shortages: Systemic Causes & Potential Solutions


1. Describe the causes of drug shortages

2.  Analyze risk factors to the drug supply

3.  Explain potential solutions to drug shortages

Emily L. Tucker, PhD

Assistant Professor -  Industrial Engineering

Faculty Scholar | School of Health Research

College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences

Clemson University

11:15pm-12:30 pm


Lunch Presentation 

Recognizing and Resolving Potentially Life-Threatening Digoxin Toxicity

Sponsored by BTG

Jeremy Lund, PharmD, MS, DABAT 

12:30-1:30 pm

Track A


Shock through the heart! A review of hemodynamics and vasopressors


1. Explain basic principles of hemodynamics as they related to the critically ill patient population

2. Evaluate appropriate pharmacologic therapy and indications for different shock states

3. Design appropriate management of pharmacologic treatment for specific shock states through literature examination

4. Explain pharmacology of clinically relevant vasopressors and target receptors

Neha Naik, PharmD, MBA, BCCCP

Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator – Critical Care & Cardiology

Critical Care Pharmacy Specialist

Emory Healthcare

12:30-1:30 pm 

Track B


Medication Error Investigation and Outcomes

1.         Describe the process of regulating pharmacy practice in the State of Georgia

2.         Practice case based evaluation of pharmacy investigations and reviews

Moderator: Scott McCauley  

Michael Brinson, R.PH.

President of the Georgia Board of Pharmacy

Dennis Troughton

Director of GDNA 




1:45-2:45 pm


Nonstatin Therapies for LDL-C Lowering


1. Identify and discuss available non-statin therapies for the management of LDL-C

2.   Evaluate relevant guidelines for the management of hyperlipidemia

3.   Apply knowledge to select appropriate treatment plans using non-statin therapies based on patient specific factors

Macy Biddulph

Ambulatory Care Pharmacist

Northeast Georgia Physicians Group

2:45-3:45 pm

Track A


Double the Trouble, Double the Cure: Navigating implementation of bispecific antibodies


1. Explain the concept of bispecific antibodies and their impact on patient outcomes, including improved response rates and prolonged survival

2. Outline practical strategies for integrating bispecific antibodies into existing treatment protocols, ensuring seamless operationalization within the cancer clinic workflow

3. Address common challenges and provide practical solutions for implementing and managing the logistics of bispecific antibody therapy in a cancer clinic setting, from procurement and administration to monitoring and patient education

Ryan Haumschild

Director of Pharmaceutical Services

Emory Healthcare

Winship Cancer Institute

2:45-3:45 pm 

Track B


Don’t rage against the machine: Overview of extracorporeal therapies in the ICU


1.   Compare and contrast various types of extracorporeal therapies employed in intensive care units

2.  Summarize common indications for extracorporeal therapies in critically ill patients

3.   Differentiate the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects of extracorporeal therapies when utilized in critically ill patients

4.   Recognize key monitoring parameters when extracorporeal therapies are employed

Jasleen Bolina, PharmD, BCCCP

Critical Care Specialist

Emory University Hospital

3:45-4:00 pm




Officer Installation and Awards

5:00- 7:00 pm




Saturday, July 13, 2024




7:30-8:30 am 




7:30-9:30 am 


Reverse Expo


8:30-9:30 am


Infectious Disease/Internal Medicine Jeopardy

1. Recognize guideline directed therapy and monitoring for select disease states

2.  Identify key laboratory values for selecting optimal therapies and monitoring

3.  Distinguish mechanisms of action, safety profile and monitoring parameters for common pharmacotherapy agents

Bruce M Jones, PharmD, FIDSA, BCPS

Infectious Diseases Clinical Pharmacy Specialist

St. Joseph's/Candler Health System


Christopher M. Bland, Pharm.D., FCCP, FIDSA, BCPS

Clinical Professor

UGA College of Pharmacy

9:30-10:55 am


Break and Exhibits


11:00-12:00 pm


IASHP Keynote

Nishaminy Keshavar, PharmD, FASHP

Vice President and Chief  Pharmacy Officer

University of Pennsylvania Health System

ASHP Immediate Past President


Track A


AI for preceptors: to ChatGPT or not to ChatGPT, that is the question!


1. Identify AI use

2. Determine academic ethical AI use in student assignments 

3.   Review process for preceptors if unethical use is determined

4. Examine a framework for educational AI use.

5. Identify key components for creating AI prompts to support students' learning.

Michelle McElhannon, PharmD

Public Service Assistant

University of Georgia College of Pharmacy

Division of Experience Programs

Russ Palmer, PhD

Director of Instructional Innovation & Research

UGA College of Pharmacy


Track B


Pillars of Fairness: Navigating the Landscape of Pharmacoequity


1.   Describe pharmacoequity and its significance

2.   Identify key factors contributing to pharmacoequity

3.   Recognize the impact of pharmacoequity on clinical outcomes

4.   Review examples of how pharmacoequity has been incorporated into clinical practice

Niama Geresu, PharmD

PGY2 Ambulatory Care Resident

Grady Health System 



Resident and Student Forum

Sunday, July 14, 2024




7:30-8:00 am 






Practitioner Clinical Pearls 


1.  Billing considerations for OmniPod Management

2. Parenteral nutrition compatibility and stability

3.  SAVR vs. TAVI: Approaching antithrombotic therapy

4. How to be an inclusive preceptor

5. Don’t stop REPRIEVE’n: statins and the updated HIV guidelines 

Michael J. Cooley, PharmD

Ambulatory Care Pharmacist

Northeast Georgia Physicians Group



Medical Science Liaison

US Medical Affairs, Parenteral Nutrition

Fresenius Kabi


Sara Anne Meyer, PharmD, BCPS

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist - Cardiology

St. Joseph’s/Candler


Mindi Miller, PharmD, BCPS

Clinical Associate Professor – Experience Programs

University of Georgia College of Pharmacy


Rachel Musgrove, PharmD, BCIDP

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist – Infectious Disease

St. Joseph’s/Candler



Use of Artificial Intelligence to Prevent Adverse Drug Events in the ICU


1.         Summarize core concepts of artificial intelligence

2.         Discuss the potential advantages of applying artificial intelligence to medication management in the ICU

3.         Identify the needed frameworks and steps to conduct this research

4.         Analyze results of current applications of artificial intelligence to adverse drug events prediction

Kelli Keats, PharmD, MPA, BCCCP

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist – Medical ICU

Critical Care Residency Program Coordinator

Wellstar MCG Health



Professional Transitions: early career foundations for long term goals


1.  Review archetypal roles of professional pharmacy careers

2.  Describe the executive progression pathway

3.  Discuss educational pharmacy career path

4.  Distinguish professional identity formation steps in your own career 

Derek Gaul, PharmD, BCPS

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist - Internal Medicine

Coordinator of Clinical Education 

Director, PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency 

St. Joseph’s/Candler 

Kunal Patel, PharmD, MBA, BCPS

Pharmacy Operations Manager

Emory University Hospital

Continuing Education

The Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmaceutical education.                

The Summer Meeting will provide an opportunity for you to earn up to 13 hours of continuing education credit.

Omni Room Reservations 

The links for room reservations will be provided in your confirmation email once you register for the conference.

If you need any assistance with rooms or need more information about the room types that are available, please contact Steve Glass at

GSHP Summer Meeting Overflow Rooms

Start Date: Friday, July 12, 2024

End Date: Sunday, July 14, 2024

Last Day to Book: Saturday, June 15, 2024

Hotel(s) offering your special group rate:

  • Residence Inn Amelia Island for 249 USD - 269 USD per night
Book your group rate for GSHP Summer Meeting Overflow Rooms

Summer meeting cancellation policy

To receive a full refund follow the steps below before June 1:

1. Email with your request to cancel your registration.

2. Do not cancel your room reservation with the Omni.  Instead include the confirmation number of your hotel reservation in the written request.  We will cancel your room reservation and transfer it to another member looking for a room.

3. Registration cancellation requests that do not follow step 2 above will be subject to a $75 admin fee.

Refund requests from June 1 to June 15 steps:

1. Email with your request to cancel your registration.

2. Do not cancel your room reservation with the Omni.  Instead include the confirmation number of your hotel reservation in the written request.  We will cancel your room reservation and transfer it to another member looking for a room.

3. Registration cancellation requests that follow steps 1 and 2 above will be subject to a $75 admin fee.  Refund requests that do not follow step 2 above will be subject to a $125 admin fee.

Refund requests after June 15-there will be NO refunds for cancellation.  


Interested in attending-here is the exhibit info

Address: 3015 Shannon Lakes North | Suite 303 | Tallahassee, FL 32309 
Phone: 850-728-4474
GSHP is a state affiliate of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

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