Georgia Society of Health-SystemPharmacistsOur mission is to help our members become better practitioners. |
The Georgia Society of Hospital Pharmacists (GSHP) accomplished much since its inception. Starting with fourteen dedicated hospital pharmacists and two associate members in 1952, the Society has grown to over 1500 members at its peak. The GSHP is currently the seventh largest state affiliate chapter of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
The Charter Membership established $2.00 per year membership dues. Over the years, these dues have grown to $100.00 per year. Also, service to the membership has grown proportionately.
The GSHP has developed during the years through the volunteer services of hundreds of dedicated Georgia Health-System Pharmacists. A Board of Directors composed of the Executive officers, nine District Directors, and nine District Director-elects governs the Society with Committee chairs and pharmacy school liaisons providing input.
In 1998, GSHP hired Glass Management Services to provide association management. Having a paid staff has been very beneficial in the growth of the Society, but the dedicated volunteer Health-System Pharmacists still provide the drive to excel.
Through the years, the primary service to the Georgia Health-System Pharmacists has been educational. Since inception of the Society, one need only to examine the content of the meetings and seminars to note that the reason the meeting was a success was its educational component. Through the Society’s educational programs thousands of hours on a myriad of subjects have been presented, benefiting all of Pharmacy in Georgia.
Read more- Published history of GSHP 1952-2002; 2002-2022