GSHP was pleased to hold its third annual statewide Clinical Skills Competition (CSC) virtually on October 31. This event follows the local-level ASHP CSC held by each college of pharmacy in Georgia. The purpose of the GSHP CSC is to provide an opportunity for top college teams to 1) gain additional practice for the national ASHP competition, 2) receive feedback to help improve performance, and 3) determine a statewide champion for GSHP.
Competing teams from each school included: Urouge Akhtar and Shikha Patel from Mercer University, Patrick Barry and Miriam Bou from South University, Macy Biddulph and Nakoasha Dillard from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, and Zayd Ahmad and Steven Slack from the University of Georgia.
We would like to congratulate all competing teams for their outstanding performance! Our first-place team for the GSHP CSC was Zayd Ahmad and Steven Slack from UGA. Our second-place finalists were Macy Biddulph and Nakoasha Dillard from PCOM.
Special thanks to our panel of judges: Ashley Burt (Archbold Memorial Hospital), Jolie Gallagher (Emory University Hospital), Ellen Huang (Augusta University Medical Center), Tara Koehler (Augusta University Medical Center), and Kayla Nichols (Emory University Hospital). The competition coordinator was Andrew Darley (UGA).
Best of luck to all of our Georgia teams as they progress to the national competition at ASHP Midyear!