Our mission is to help our members become better practitioners.
Calling all pharmacists and students!
We welcome you to sign up for the mentoring program.
For mentors: This is a great way to stay apprised of the up and coming generation of pharmacists, give back to the profession, and most importantly--invest in others!!
For mentees: This program is a great way to get involved in GSHP and begin to network with pharmacists across the state. Some may be your future employers or residency directors/preceptors. This is a such a great opportunity to use the organization to your professional benefit.
Sign-up ends September 22!
You can read more about the mentor program and sign-up at https://www.gshp.org/gshp-mentorship-program/
For your convenience, you can also sign up below!
Mentor sign-up:
Mentor Sign-up for 2019-2020
Mentee sign-up:
Mentee Sign-Up for 2019-2010
Thanks from your Student/Resident Committee co-chairs!
Maria Thurston and Anthony Hawkins
Address: 3015 Shannon Lakes North | Suite 303 | Tallahassee, FL 32309 Phone: 850-728-4474GSHP is a state affiliate of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists