Our mission is to help our members become better practitioners.
Tuesday November 7th
Dinner at 6pm
Speaker at 6:30
Phoebe Northwest in Albany GA
Megan Baggett, PharmD
The Pill and Beyond: A Review of Hormonal Contraceptives
1 hour
Technician Objectives:
• Detail differences among commonly prescribed hormonal contraceptives
• Discuss potential drug interactions and their clinical significance
• Describe common and serious adverse effects associated with hormonal contraceptive use
Pharmacist Objectives:
• Discuss variations in androgenicity of hormonal contraceptives and their resulting influence on side effect profiles
• Review clinically significant drug interactions and recommendations for management
• Detail common and serious adverse effects associated with hormonal contraceptive use
Address: 3015 Shannon Lakes North | Suite 303 | Tallahassee, FL 32309 Phone: 850-728-4474GSHP is a state affiliate of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists